
Desain & Rekayasa

FABS memiliki disiplin desain yang terletak di rumah, memberi kami kemampuan untuk menyediakan layanan desain khusus untuk berbagai proyek.

I Our experienced design group hold the necessary skill to provide design services for all our markets and work cohesively with our engineering team to produce a coordinated result.

FABS unique approach to design provides clients with a comprehensive solution to optimize their project delivery. The process commences with assisting the client to develop a logical, functional design brief, and progresses through both performance and cost analysis of design options, through to engineering and concludes with validation following construction.

Our design and engineering services include :

  • Concept design
  • Civil, Structural & Architectural
  • Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing / Building Services
  • Commercial Kitchen Design
  • Furniture Selection
  • Workstation layout and design

Project Management

Dengan manajemen proyek FABS, Anda akan menerima solusi yang terkoordinasi dan mulus untuk kebutuhan bisnis Anda, mengintegrasikan kepentingan semua pemangku kepentingan proyek untuk memberikan hasil akhir terbaik.